
17 products

  • Sale -11% Vitamin D3 4000IU - 240 days - Platinum

    Nature's Answer Vitamin D3 4000IU - 240 days - Platinum

    2 reviews

    Vitamin D3 is also called the "Sunshine Vitamin" because the body produces Vitamin D3 under the influence of sunlight. Because the sun shines too little in the Netherlands, many people have a shortage of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is only produced when the sun shines at its strongest. So especially in the summer when the sun is at its highest point. The sun rays also have to hit the skin directly to produce Vitamin D. So when "sunbathing on a terrace" insufficient Vitamin D is produced. Why should I use Vitamin D3? Vitamin D3 contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system . Vitamin D3 plays a very important role in the many cell division processes in our body. Vitamin D3 contributes to the maintenance of healthy and strong bones . Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy teeth . Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy muscle function. Vitamin D3 contributes to good absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Use as you age . For only €27.95 you can prevent all these dangers of Vitamin D3 deficiency for up to 8 months . Share this with all your loved ones! Why this Vitamin D3? When using 2 drops daily, 1 bottle is good for more than 8 months . For children 1 bottle 1.5 years . Good high dosage Very good quality, very low price . Mixed with extra virgin olive oil. Drops are easy to administer No preservatives, no yeast, no corn, no sugar, no salt, no gluten. Composition Vitamin D3 adults Composition Supplement Nature's Answer Vitamin D3 adults Dosage: 2 drops Number of doses: 240 per dosage %ADH* Calories from fat 10 Total fat < 1 g <2% Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)** 4000 IU 1000% other ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, medium chain triglycerides *Percent Daily Values ​​are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ** from lanolin

    €27,95 €24,95

  • Spirulina Raw & Organic

    Superfoodshop Spirulina Raw & Organic

    Spirulina Raw & Organic Spirulina is a blue-green saltwater algae and is one of the most complete superfoods on earth. For centuries, the Indians in the Americas, the indigenous peoples in Africa and the Middle East have used Spirulina, because they already knew then that it is a very powerful superfood. Now, thousands of scientific studies and articles have been published that confirm the insane positive health benefits. Why is Spirulina so complete and powerful? Spirulina is the only natural food source that has 96 trace elements. And through the synergistic cooperation with the important nutrients, Spirulina is very powerful. Spirulina has more than 10 vitamins, more than 10 minerals, all essential amino acids and a lot of chlorophyll, enzymes and antioxidants. It consists of more than 60% vegetable proteins that are very easy to digest and can be absorbed quickly. What vitamins and minerals does Spirulina contain? Minerals Vitamin Fatty acids Magnesium Vitamin A GLA Calcium Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 DHA Selenium Vitamin B6, B11, B12 EPA Zinc Vitamin E Manganese Vitamin K Phycocyanin Copper Iodine Beta-Carotene Nucleic acids Phosphorus Inositol DNA Chrome RNA Iron All Essential Amino Acids How should I use Spirulina? You can simply mix spirulina in a glass of water. You can drink it on an empty stomach, but you can also drink it throughout the day. Spirulina is a superfood that of course cannot be missed in your vegetable smoothie. Recommended normal use: 10 to 20 grams per day. Beginners: If you are new to Spirulina, start with 3-5 grams. This will ensure that the detox process will proceed smoothly. Athletes: up to 60 grams Therapeutic use: 20 – 60 grams Ingredients Spirulina Spirulina Raw & Organic Country of Origin: Islands of South China Sea


  • Chlorella Raw & Organic superfood online bestellen

    Superfoodshop Chlorella Raw & Organic

    Chlorella Raw & Organic Chlorella helps the body to detoxify. A property of chlorophyll is that it binds metals. Cleansing the body with chlorella is certainly not an unnecessary luxury when you consider that we are exposed to many toxic substances day in day out. It is also interesting that chlorella has been the best-selling supplement in Japan for years. Japan is also seen as the country with the most centenarians. Why Chlorella from When purchasing chlorella, it is important to know that the cell wall of the algae is broken. Chlorella has a cell wall that can hardly be digested by the human body. As a result, the nutrients within the chlorella cell can hardly be absorbed. Also make sure that you buy chlorella that has not undergone heat treatment, which destroys the many benefits of chlorella. In addition, preferably use organic chlorella. The chlorella from the SuperfoodShop is organic and the cell wall is also cracked, which makes the absorption of nutrients possible. Why should I use chlorella? Contains important fatty acids such as omega 3 and alpha-linolenic acid Contains many vitamins, including: vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E and K Contains high quality proteins, (all 8 essential amino acids) Contains important minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Contains powerful antioxidants from the carotenoid family as well as glutathione. Contains large amounts of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. These are substances that contain information and help the body repair and build tissues. Stimulates the cleansing function of your liver. 100% plant-based, so suitable for vegetarians and vegans. What is the difference between spirulina and chlorella? During lectures we are often asked what the difference is between spirulina and chlorella. Below you will find a table summarizing the differences. As you can see there are quite a few differences. If you want to enjoy both benefits you can use them alternately or add both to a smoothie. Spirulina Chlorella Naturally more digestible Cell wall, must be broken More carotenoids More chlorophyll More zeaxanthin More lutein Special antioxidants: phycocyanin More vitamin E and C More vitamin B12 More alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3 fatty acid) More vitamin K1 More iron and zinc More gamma linolenic acid (GLA, special omega fatty acid) More nucleic acids, “Chlorella growth factor” More calcium, magnesium and potassium More glutathione More N-acetylcysteine Other Interesting Facts about Chlorella: It contains large amounts of the mineral magnesium. It is the mineral par excellence that many people are deficient in today. Magnesium is used up by the body at an accelerated rate when you have a busy life or are often stressed. How can I use chlorella? Maintenance dosage for chlorella is 3-6 grams per day (6 to 12 tablets). When using Chlorella, drink plenty of water. For detoxing, 1 to 2 tablespoons (up to 20 tablets) can be used. Chlorella is safe to take in large doses. Stir it into a glass of water or add it to your green smoothie. Chlorella is at its best in pure powder form without any form of binders or other additives. Pay particular attention that when using chlorella tablets no binders have been used. Both the chlorella powder and the chlorella tablets from are 100% pure, organic and free from other additives. Ingredients Chlorella Chlorella Raw & Organic Origin: Islands of South China Sea


  • Sale -13% Vitamin Code Raw Zink | Garden of Life

    Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Zinc (60 capsules)

    Why is Vitamin Code Raw Zinc (60 capsules) from Garden of Life so special? Vitamin Code Raw Zinc is a whole food supplement that is specifically formulated to provide 30mg of raw food zinc along with 60mg of whole food vitamin C. This zinc supplement is also "RAW". This means that the manufacturing process is always under 46 º C takes place. This ensures that all probiotics, enzymes, vitamins and all other nutrients are preserved. The RAW food created zinc is mixed in a base of 23 fruit and vegetable extracts together with cofactors and 75 alkaline trace elements. This ensures mix from food of living antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, cofactors and much more..... This supplement also contains no synthetic fillers, binders, flavors, sweeteners, or colorants that are used in most other supplements offered by other providers. The SuperfoodShop ensures that you can choose from only real supplements, so that you are always right. Whole food, RAW, fruit and vegetable extracts and the absence of additives ensure that Vitamin Code Raw Zinc from Garden of Life is very well absorbed by the body and is recognized by the body. Why should I use Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Zinc (60 capsules)? Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a major role in many bodily functions. Probably over 100 enzymatic functions in almost every part of the body depend on zinc. One of the most important functions of zinc is to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance. That is why zinc is often combined with Vitamin C, such as in this supplement. In addition, zinc is a powerful antioxidant that protects against damage that free radicals can cause. In addition to the immune system, zinc is very important for the hormonal system. Zinc is important for healthy reproductive organs and reproduction. Zinc is essential for restoring hormone balance. Zinc plays many more important roles in the body: acid-base metabolism cognitive function DNA synthesis fertility and reproduction metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins metabolism of vitamin A protein synthesis bones skin, hair and nails normal testosterone levels in the blood normal vision immune system protection of cells against oxidative stress cell division process How should I use Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Zinc (60 capsules)? Use 1 or 2 capsules per day with water. The zinc capsules may be taken before or after a meal. It is not necessary to take the zinc capsules with a meal. Capsules may be opened. Contents can then be taken with water or fresh home-made juice/smoothie. Ingredients Vitamin Code Raw Zinc (60 capsules) from Garden of Life Contents 60 capsules Supplement Information Vitamin Code Raw Zinc Dosage: 2 Capsules Number of doses: 30 Amount per serving %ADH Vitamin C* 60 mg 100% Zinc* 30 mg 200% Raw Organic Fruit & Vegetable Blend Organic Apple (Fruit), Organic Beet (Root), Organic Broccoli (Stem & Flower), Organic Carrot (Root), Organic Spinach (Leaf), Organic Tomato (Fruit), Organic Strawberry (Fruit), Organic Tart Cherries), Organic Currants (Fruit), Organic Green Buttercup (Fruit), Organic Brussels Sprout (Leaf), Organic Blueberries (Fruit), Organic Ginger (Root), Organic Garlic (Leaf), Organic Cauliflower (Leaf), Organic Cauliflower (Flower & Stem), Organic Red Cabbage (Leaf), Organic Kale (Leaf), Organic Cucumber (Organic Celery), Organic Asparagus (Flower & Stem) 166 mg + Trace Mineral Blend Raw Organic Spirulina RAW Organic Cracked-Wall Chlorella Ancient Peat (Trace Minerals) 150 mg + Raw Probiotic & Enzyme Blend Lipase, Protease, Aspergillopepsin, Beta-Glucanase, Cellulase, Bromelain, Phytase, Lactase, Papain, Peptidase, Pectinase, Xylanase, Hemicellulase, [Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus plantarum] (500 million CFU), Saccharomyces cerevisiae 60 mg + Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose, Organic rice +RDA not established.

    €23,95 €20,95

  • Kokosolie Raw & Organic bestellen

    Superfoodshop Coconut Oil Raw & Organic

    1 review

    Coconut Oil Raw & Organic There are more and more scientific studies confirming the benefits of coconut oil. It has a delicious taste and makes your smoothie nice and creamy. In addition to all these health benefits, coconut oil also has many cosmetic benefits. For example, it is an ideal face cream because it optimally hydrates your skin. In addition, coconut oil is rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is often added to many face creams today and is a powerful antioxidant. Why is Coconut Oil so special? Coconut oil is a special saturated fat . Now we know that some saturated fats are very good for your health. Many "female and male substances" are made from saturated fats . The big advantage of coconut oil is that it is a stable oil. Much more stable than olive oil, for example. For example, coconut oil consists of 90% vegetable saturated fats , which are insensitive to heat. This gives coconut oil a longer shelf life and you can use it for baking and frying. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid (depending on the type). For comparison: Breast milk is 30% lauric acid. Coconut oil contains mainly medium chain fatty acids. The special properties of coconut oil are mainly due to these medium chain fatty acids. Some advantages of the medium chain in coconut oil: Easily absorbed in the intestine is hardly used for fat storage. Are easily digestible (unlike other fat sources), because they do not need to be digested in the liver. Ideal for people with digestive problems. The optimal energy source for athletes. Since medium chain fatty acids do not need carnitine to provide energy, a lot of energy remains for the muscles during exercise. Why Coconut Oil from SuperfoodShop? The coconut oil of inferior quality is made from dried coconut meat. High temperatures and chemicals are used to extract the oil. The above benefits do not apply to coconut oil that has been processed with heat and chemicals. Coconut oil with the odor removed is also extracted from dried coconut meat. Please note that even coconut oil that is certified organic can be of poor quality! Coconut oil from SuperfoodShop is made only from fresh, juicy coconut meat. The coconut meat is cold-pressed, filtered and centrifuged to produce the best extra virgin coconut oil. Our customers are very satisfied with the creamy taste, smell and quality of our coconut oil. The therapists of SuperfoodShop ensure that the quality of your Superfood is guaranteed. How should I use Coconut Oil? Dosage half to a whole tablespoon Add coconut oil to a smoothie as often as possible, for better absorption of nutrients. Use coconut oil for baking, roasting, stir-frying and frying. For on bread or rusk as an alternative to butter. Use coconut oil on pancakes, together with palm sugar. Coconut oil can be used in healthy cake recipes. Coconut oil is liquid above 25°C Ingredients Coconut oil Coconut Oil Raw and Organic Country of Origin: Philippines


  • Black Seed Oil - Premium Quality

    Sweet Sunnah Black Seed Oil - Premium Quality

    Why Black seed oil from Superfoodshop Important: as with olive oil, there are big differences in quality. We have black seed oil of the highest quality. The oil is obtained from a first cold pressing of the black seed seeds. Our black seed oil is also supplied in dark glass bottles to minimise oxidation. We do not recommend black seed oil in plastic or transparent packaging due to its inferior quality.


  • Sale -14% Ashwagandha Extract - Alcohol Free

    Nature's Answer Ashwagandha Extract - Alcohol Free

    1 review

    Why is Nature's Answer Ashwagandha extract so special? Nature's Answer extracts are created using a unique cold Bio-Chelated® extraction process , which ensures the extract has the same Holistic Balance® and synergistic ratios found in the plants themselves. Nature's Answer Ashwagandha extract also contains vegetable glycerin instead of alcohol. Nature's Answer believes through research that vegetable glycerin is a better 'transporter' and preservative than alcohol.

    €34,95 €29,95

  • Sale -14% Vitamin D3 &amp; K2 - 250 days

    Nature's Answer Vitamin D3 & K2 - 250 days

    Vitamin D3 is also called the "Sunshine Vitamin" because the body produces Vitamin D3 under the influence of sunlight. Because the sun shines too little in the Netherlands, many people have a shortage of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is only produced when the sun shines at its strongest. So especially in the summer when the sun is at its highest point. The sun rays also have to hit the skin directly to produce Vitamin D. So when "sunbathing on a terrace" insufficient Vitamin D is produced. Why should I use Vitamin D3 & K2? Vitamin D3 contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system . Vitamin K contributes to the absorption of minerals/calcium in the bones/bone tissue Vitamin D3 plays a very important role in the many cell division processes in our body. Vitamin D3 & K2 contributes to the maintenance of healthy and strong bones . Vitamin K plays a role in bone formation Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy teeth . Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy muscle function. Vitamin D3 contributes to good absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Use this especially when stressed . Use as you age . For only €39.95 you can prevent all these dangers due to Vitamin D3 and K2 deficiency for as long as 8 months . Share this with all your loved ones! Why this Vitamin D3 & K2? When using 2 drops daily, 1 bottle is good for more than 8 months . Good high dosage Very good quality, very low price . Mixed with extra virgin olive oil and rosemary extract. Drops are easy to administer No preservatives, no yeast, no corn, no sugar, no salt, no gluten. Composition Vitamin D3 adults Composition Supplement Nature's Answer Vitamin D3 & K2 Dosage: 2 drops Number of doses: 250 per dosage %ADH* Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)** 1000 IU 500% Vitamin K2 menaquinone 4 120 mcg 160% other ingredients: olive oil, rosemary extract, natural lemon flavors. *from lanolin

    €43,95 €37,95

  • Sale -19% Milk thistle extract

    Nature's Answer Milk thistle extract

    Nature's Answer extracts are created using a unique cold Bio-Chelated® extraction process, ensuring the extract has the same Holistic Balance® and synergistic ratios found in the plants themselves. Nature's Answer Milk Thistle extract also contains vegetable glycerin instead of alcohol. Nature's Answer believes through research that vegetable glycerin is a better 'transporter' and preservative than alcohol. Ingredients Milk Thistle Extract Supplement information Serving Size: 2 ml (approx. 56 drops) Servings per package: 15 Amount per serving % RDA Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Seed Extract 2,000 mg (2 g) † † RDA not established.

    €20,95 €16,95

  • Sale -14% Plant Based Magnesium (90 capsules)

    Nature's Answer Plant Based Magnesium (90 capsules)

    Marine Based Magnesium, sourced from Aquamin® Red Algae from the pristine waters of Iceland, provides 500mg of magnesium per serving. This essential mineral supports muscle, bone, immune and vision function.

    €34,95 €29,95

  • Sale -14% Turmeric - Turmeric-3 Extract

    Nature's Answer Turmeric - Turmeric-3 Extract

    Nature's Answer Turmeric-3® is an alcohol-free, liquid turmeric extract with the active ingredients curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and biodesmethoxycurcumin. It supports healthy joints, mobility and a healthy inflammatory response. Nature's Answer 's Holistically Balanced® extract through our unique cold Bio-Chelated® extraction process. Composition Turmeric | Turmeric-3 Extract from Nature's Answer Supplement Information Turmeric-3 Extract from Nature's Answer Serving size: 1 ml (approx. 28 drops) Servings per package: 30 Amount per serving % RDA* Turmeric (curcuma longa) Rhizome Extract (Standardized to 95% Curcuminoids from 5,000 mg Turmeric Rhizome) 200 mg † †Daily value not established.

    €34,95 €29,95

  • Sale -17% Omega 3 &amp; Black Seed oil

    Nature's Answer Omega 3 & Black Seed oil

    Omega-3 Black Seed Oil combines Deep Sea Omega-3 fish oil with Thymoquin™ Black Seed Oil for 3x the effectiveness of Omega-3 alone. It supports heart health, healthy inflammation response, and cholesterol balance. Omega 3 & Black Seed     nutritional supplement Dosage 5ml (1 teaspoon) Number of servings 48 Composition per dosage   %ADH Calories  *based on 2000 calorie diet       35   total fat         4 g    6%*    saturated         1 g    5%*    polyunsaturated         1 g      monounsaturated         2 g     Omega 3 fish oil   3900 mg      EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)    630 mg      DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)    420 mg   ThymoQuin™ CP ( Nigella Sativa - Black Cumin Seed Oil) standardized to 3% Thymoquinone    500 mg   Sunflower lecithin    140 mg   Rosemary oil (leaf)        3 mg   Other ingredients natural orange oil. Contains fish (Anchovies, Sardines).

    €59,95 €49,95

  • Sale -60% NAC Detox Regulators (60 capsules)

    Doctors Best NAC Detox Regulators (60 capsules)

    Doctor's Best NAC Detox Regulators provide a natural detox boost with NAC, selenium, and molybdenum. This scientifically proven formula supports glutathione production, liver health, and antioxidant protection. This high-quality supplement is specially developed to support your health and well-being. Ideal for daily support and perfectly aligned with a healthy lifestyle. Contents NAC Detox Regulators - Doctor's Best Composition NAC Detox Regulators - Doctor's Best Dosage: 1 capsule Number of doses: 60 per dose %ADH Selenium (from SelenoExcell® High Selenium Yeast) (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 50 mcg 90% Molybdenum (from molybdenum glycinate chelate) 50 mcg 110% N-Acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) 600 mg † † RDA not established. Other ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable capsule), citric acid, natural vanilla flavour.

    €24,95 €9,95

  • BioAstin Supreme Astaxanthin 6mg - 60 Softgels

    Nutrex Hawaii BioAstin Supreme Astaxanthin 6mg - 60 Softgels

    BioAstin Supreme Astaxanthin 6mg provides a powerful blend of astaxanthin and antioxidants, clinically proven to support immune system, skin, eyes, heart, and joints. Made from sustainably grown microalgae in Hawaii. Ingredients Astaxanthin Supplement Facts Serving Size: 2 Sweep Softgels Servings per Container: 30 Amount Per Serving % DV* Calories 10 Calories from Fat 10 Total Fat 1 g <1% Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol) 30 IU 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil 800 mg ** Natural Astaxanthin (from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae) 12 mg ** *The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. **Daily Value not established.


  • Sale -19% Men's Once Daily mykind Organics

    Garden of Life Men's Once Daily mykind Organics

    Supplement Facts dosage: 1 tablet number of doses: 30 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene from Organic Food Blend) 5,000 IU 100% Vitamin C (from Organic Food Blend) 60 mg 100% Vitamin D (D3 from Lichen) 1,000 IU 250% Vitamin E (from Organic Food Blend) 30 IU 100% Vitamin K (K Complex with K2 MK-7) 80 mcg 100% Thiamin (Vitamin B1 from Organic Food Blend) 2 mg 130% Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 from Organic Food Blend) 2 mg 120% Niacin (from Organic Food Blend) 20 mg 100% Vitamin B6 (from Organic Food Blend) 10 mg 500% Folate (from Organic Food Blend) 400 mcg 100% Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin from Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 18 mcg 300% Biotin (from Organic Food Blend) 300 mcg 100% Pantothenic Acid (from Organic Food Blend) 10 mg 100% Calcium (from Organic Food Blend) 5 mg 2% Magnesium (from Organic Food Blend) 2 mg 2% Zinc (from Organic Food Blend) 5 mg 35% Selenium (from Organic Food Blend) 70 mcg 100% Manganese (from Organic Food Blend) 1 mg 50% Chromium (from Organic Food Blend) 120 mcg 100% Certified Organic Food Blend Organic Sesbania grandiflora (leaf), Organic Apple (fruit), Organic Guava (fruit & leaf), Organic Amla Berry (fruit), Organic Holy Basil (leaf), Organic Annatto (fruit & seed), Organic Moringa (leaf), Organic Lemon (peel), Organic Beet (root), Organic Broccoli (stalk & flower), Organic Carrot (root), Organic Spinach (leaf), Organic Tomato (fruit), Organic Strawberry (fruit), Organic Lantana camara (aerial), Organic Wrightia tinctoria (aerial), Organic Cherry (fruit), Organic Blackberry (fruit), Organic Green Bell Pepper (fruit), Organic Brussels Sprout (leaf), Organic Ginger (root), Organic Blueberry (fruit), Organic Garlic (bulb) , Organic Green Onion (bulb), Organic Raspberry (fruit), Organic Parsley (leaf), Organic Cauliflower (flower & stem), Organic Red Cabbage (leaf), Organic Kale (leaf), Organic Cucumber (gourd), Organic Celery (stalk), Organic Asparagus (flower & stem) 603 mg + + Daily Value not established.

    €42,95 €34,95

  • Sale -29% Vitamine D3 | 300 dagen | Volwassene of Kinderen

    Natural Factors Vitamin D3 4000IU - 240 Days - Adult or Children - Nature's Answer Platinum

    Vitamin D3 is also called the "Sunshine Vitamin" because the body produces Vitamin D3 under the influence of sunlight. Because the sun shines too little in the Netherlands, many people have a shortage of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is only produced when the sun shines at its strongest. So especially in the summer when the sun is at its highest point. The sun rays also have to hit the skin directly to produce Vitamin D. So when "sunbathing on a terrace" insufficient Vitamin D is produced. Why should I use Vitamin D3? Vitamin D3 contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system . Vitamin D3 plays a very important role in the many cell division processes in our body. Vitamin D3 contributes to the maintenance of healthy and strong bones . Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy teeth . Vitamin D3 contributes to healthy muscle function. Vitamin D3 contributes to good absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Use as you age . For only €27.95 you can prevent all these dangers of Vitamin D3 deficiency for up to 8 months . Share this with all your loved ones! Why this Vitamin D3? When using 2 drops daily, 1 bottle is good for more than 8 months . For children 1 bottle 1.5 years . Good high dosage Very good quality, very low price . Mixed with extra virgin olive oil. Drops are easy to administer No preservatives, no yeast, no corn, no sugar, no salt, no gluten. How should I use Vitamin D3? Vitamin D3 Nature's Answer | Take 2 drops (4000 IU) daily. On days with lots of sun and a high sun, no Vitamin D3 is needed. Not for children under 3 years. Children need lower doses. For children choose the Vitamin D3 below Vitamin D3 for children Natural Factors | Take 1 drop (400 IU) daily for 500 days This Vitamin D3 is also suitable for children under 2 years. At the top under "person" you can also choose this Vitamin D3 Ingredients Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 Nature's Answer | Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, MCT Oil Vitamin D3 for children Natural Factors | Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil and natural Vitamin E. Composition Vitamin D3 adults Composition Supplement Nature's Answer Vitamin D3 adults Dosage: 2 drops Number of doses: 240 per dosage %ADH* Calories from fat 10 Total fat < 1 g <2% Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)** 4000 IU 1000% other ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, medium chain triglycerides *Percent Daily Values ​​are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ** from lanolin

    €27,95 €19,95

  • Sale -35% Liver Detox

    Nature's Answer Liver Detox

    Nature's Answer Liver Support® is an alcohol-free, liquid herbal extract containing a unique blend of bitter herbs. It supports healthy liver function, promotes natural detoxification and acts as a natural cleanser for overall health. Why is Nature's Answer Liver Detox so special? Nature's Answer extracts are created using a unique cold Bio-Chelated® extraction process, ensuring the extract has the same Holistic Balance® and synergistic ratios found in the plants themselves. Nature's Answer Liver Detox extract also contains vegetable glycerin instead of alcohol. Nature's Answer believes through research that vegetable glycerin is a better 'transporter' and preservative than alcohol.

    €22,95 €14,95

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