Why is The Vitamin Code Vitamin B Complex so special?
The B vitamins in this complex are natural and not synthetic. The vitamins in The Vitamin Code also contain the co-factors that vitamins in nature also have. These co-factors cannot be synthetically reproduced and can be compared to an unbreakable code , hence The Vitamin Code!
These natural vitamins have also not been heated and this keeps the effect of the Vitamin B complex as powerful as possible. The body recognizes natural nutrients much better and they are also really used.
How should I use The Vitamin Code Vitamin B Complex (60 capsules) from The Garden of Life?
Use 2 capsules per day.
The vitamin B complex can be taken before or after a meal. It is not necessary to take the vitamin B complex with a meal. Capsules of the vitamin B complex can be opened. Contents can then be taken with water or fresh homemade juice/smoothie.
Ingredients The Vitamin Code Vitamin B-complex (60 capsules) from The Garden of Life
🔹 RAW Organic Fruit & Vegetable Blend (360 mg)
Biologische appel, biet, broccoli, wortel, spinazie, tomaat, aardbei, rode kool, boerenkool, komkommer, selderij, asperge en meer.
🔹 RAW Probiotic & Enzyme Blend (60 mg)
Bevat lipase, protease, lactase, papaïne, probiotica zoals Lactobacillus bulgaricus en Lactobacillus plantarum (500 miljoen CFU).
Overige ingrediënten: Plantaardige cellulose, organische rijst.
Vrij van: Kunstmatige toevoegingen, synthetische vulstoffen, bindmiddelen, gluten, zuivel en soja.
How to use?
✔ 2 capsules per dag met water.
✔ Kan voor of na de maaltijd worden ingenomen.
✔ Capsules kunnen worden geopend en gemengd met sap of smoothie.